
Status message

MGIS Boost cached version.
Codesort descending Acronym Institute name Institute code Number of accession
01AUS043 DAF South Johnstone Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Queensland Government AUS043 42
01BEL084 ITC International Transit Centre, Bioversity International BEL084 1705
01BEN025 INRAB Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin BEN025 19
01BGD003 BARI Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute BGD003 10
01CHN153 IFTR/GDAAS Institute of Fruit Tree Research (IFTR), Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GDAAS) CHN153 243
01CIV063 CNRA Centre National de Recherches Agronomiques CIV063 71
01CMR004 CARBAP Centre africain de recherche sur bananes et plantains CMR004 762
01COD009 UNIKIS Université de Kisangani, Faculté des Sciences de Kisangani COD009 110
01COD018 INERA-W Institut National pour l'Etude et la Recherche Agronomiques COD018 57
01COD061 INERA-E Institut National pour l'Etude et la Recherche Agronomiques COD061 36
01COL999 FEDEPLATANO Federacion nacional de Plataneros de Colombia COL999 109
01CRI011 CORBANA Corporación Bananera Nacional S.A. CRI011 108
01CUB006 INIVIT Instituto de Investigaciones de Viandas Tropicales CUB006 354
01GAB003 CENAREST Centre national de la recherche scientifique GAB003 36
01GLP005 CIRAD CIRAD - CRB Plantes Tropicales (INRA CIRAD) GLP005 381
01IDN150 ICHORD Indonesian Centre for Horticultural Research and Development IDN150 306
01KHM999 CARDI Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute KHM999 119
01MYS003 MARDI Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) MYS003 127
01PHL008 BPI-DNCRDC Bureau of plant industry - Davao National crop research and development center PHL008 80
01PHL016 IPB-UPLB Pili Drive 1 Institute of Plant Breeding - University of the Philippines Los Baños PHL016 183
01PNG004 NARI National Agricultural Research Institute PNG004 204
01PYF999 DAG-PRFC Pacific Regional Field Collection PYF999 64
01SDN034 APGRC Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Research Center SDN034 358
01THA032 DOA Department of Agriculture THA032 114
01TWN007 TBRI Taiwan Banana Research Institute TWN007 225
01TZA005 ARI Agricultural Research Institute TZA005 118
01UGA003 NARO National Agricultural Research Organisation UGA003 442
01USA108 USDA-TARS United State Depart. Of Agriculture, Tropical Agriculture Research Station USA108 152
01VEN069 INIAP-CENIAP Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas - Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias VEN069 135
01VNM007 FAVRI Fruit and vegetable research institute VNM007 84
03PHL016 IPB-UPLB Pili Drive 2 Institute of Plant Breeding - University of the Philippines Los Baños PHL016 79