MGIS Disclaimer
The data providers to MGIS independently manage the information stored in, or made accessible to MGIS. Users must contact the specific data providing institute(s) directly, with any questions or comments regarding information stored in MGIS and for queries regarding the germplasm held in a specific institute(s). The contact person for each institute can be found by using the FAO Institute Code that accompanies every accession or in the data curators page.
The responsibility of managing requests created using the MGIS requesting module remains with the individual institute(s) to where the request is directed. Therefore, MGIS and Bioversity International, as MGIS' legal host entity, will not be held responsible for any errors or negligence in handling the request, or for the inability to fulfill any request. Once a request is completed via the online requesting module, the party requesting the germplasm will be sent a summary of the request specifying the institute(s) which will be processing the request, corresponding contact details, a copy this Disclaimer and the MGIS Terms and Conditions of Use. Possible claims and complaints related to germplasm requests must be addressed to the specific institute(s) concerned, and not to MGIS.
Should the internet service providers, or the facilities associated with the MGIS requesting module fail, due to causes beyond the control of MGIS or Bioversity, neither MGIS nor Bioversity will be held responsible for any delays in transmission, delivery, or fulfillment of requests due to these failures.