MGIS updates July 2022

Status message

MGIS Boost cached version.

Dear MGIS Users,

We continue to improve the content and the features of the MGIS web site. Please, see below what has happened since January 2022.

Data update

ITC collection

A total of 11 new accessions introduced at ITC in 2021 are now maintained at ITC, increasing the number of active accessions up to 1,693. This material comes from two different countries:

  • Papua New Guinea - 10 accessions
  • Malaysia - 1 accession

Eight accessions from Papua New Guinea are accessions collected by Julie Sardos with the supports from:

  • the NARI National  Agricultural Research Institute of Papua New Guinea (2019).

As the Field verification of the ITC continues, more and more accessions have photos attached to their passport data along characterization data.

Evaluation data

We continue to extract values from research papers performing studies on  ITC accessions. In parallel to this, data mining an interface for searching through this new dataset is made available in the filters of the accession search page. For example, we extracted data from a TR4 study: Assessing Variations in Host Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f sp. cubense Race 4 in Musa Species, With a Focus on the Subtropical Race 4

To get more explanation on how to research for evaluation data please visit the January 2022 News page.

NARI (PNG) collection

We have started to upload photos for some accessions held at the NARI collection, mainly those accessions collected during the last two collecting missions in Papua New Guinea: in the autonomous region of Bougainville (2016) and in the province of the New West Britain (2019).

Musa Online Ordering System (MOOS)

The workflow to order germplasm from the ITC collection has been reviewed.

From now, on the generation of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA) is not automatic after completing a request online. So you will no longer receive the PDF document. Your request is now placed on hold and Ines Van den Houwe, the curator of the ITC collection, is informed of your request. She will review the request to first see if it fits the requirements of the International Treaty for Plant and Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA), under which the material is distributed. She will also look at the stock for each accession requested and if necessary modify the list after agreement with the requester. Once everything is reviewed and agreed, Ines Van den Houwe will send you the definitive SMTA PDF document for acceptance.

This may be a more complex process, but due to the strict rules that apply to the distribution of the material under ITPGRFA and the constraints linked to the management of live material, we think that these changes will ensure a better service.

Musa In Situ

The number of in situ observations is increasing due to a regular update performed by Christophe Jenny CIRAD researcher who coordinates the iNaturalist project for banana.

Publications associated with individual ITC accessions

We mapped the following scientific papers to genebank accessions:

Under the Collecting mission report you can see the list of collected material that are now present at ITC, as well as the presence of the material in the natioanl collections where the material adapted prior to being sent to ITC. Therefore it is possible to have the same accession twice, but with a different accession number.

For research paper the list of ITC material studied appears also at the bottom of the page.

As always, we aim to continue to enrich MGIS with new data and features in order to help you in your research on Musa and to facilitate the use of ITC germplasm. We welcome your feedback anytime.

The MGIS team