Exchange with MusaTab

Exchange with MusaTab

This tab will allow you to generate the files required by MusaTab to perform observations in the field. The application will help you to select the accessions you want to work with, to define which cycle you are curently observing as well as the number of plants observed by cycle and by accession. You will be able to select the descriptors you want to observe. The files will be automatically copied to the connected tablet using a USB cable.

From this table it will be also possible to import into your database the observations made in the field using MusaTab. Again, the transfer will be done using a USB cable.

The first button labeled Update MusaTab is the button that will start the creation of files and their export to the tablet.

The second button labelled Retrieve Observations Data will start the import of data recorded in MusaTab.

 The third button labelled Managament of synchronization is for working with previously imported data recorded in MusaTab.

Update MusaTab

By clicking on this button you will create the files to work with MusaTab. This button launches a wizard, which will help you to select the accessions you want to work with as well as the descriptors you want to observe. At the end of the wizard the files will be automatically copied on the tablet in the correct folder. You will then have to launch the synchronization in MusaTab. We will mention it later in this document but please also refer to the MusaTab Users’ document.

This is the first window of the wizard.

Click on the next button to select the accessions you plan to work with.

Below is the window for selecting the accessions:

Click on the plus sign to open the tree. Click the tickbox left of the accession name to select the accession. Once you have selected the accession, click on the next button.

You can also perform a search in the list of accessions by entering the name of an accession or a species/group or subspecies/subgroup in the textbox on left side of the Search button. In the example below the search was on Sucrier. If found in the list you will be positionned on the occurrence found.

The next window will ask you to decide which cycle you want to score and the number of plants per accession you want to observe. By default the number of plants is the number set for each accession.

By default no cycle is set you can decide to score all accesions for only cycle 1 by ticking the checbox on left side of the Select only cycle 1 it is presented in the example below. Do the same if you want to score the cycle 2 as well. Untick the checkbox to unselect.

It is also possible to check manually cycle for each accessions of the list. Use the scoll bar on the right of the accessions lists to perform the task for each accession selected.

The number of plants to score can be edited for each accession in this screen or set for all accessions by using the textbox on left side of the set for all button. In the example below the number was set to 3 and once the button Set for all is clicked the field content is updated.

Once this activity is completed click on the next button.

Below is the window to select the descriptors you want to observe in the field.

Click on the plus sign to open the tree. Click the tickbox on left side of the descriptor name to select the descriptor. Once you are ok with the list of descriptors click on the next button.

This is the last window of the wizard, but you can still modify the accessions ot the descriptors list by clicking on the Back button. If everything is fine just click on the next button.

After a while the following message of success might appear.

If you forget to connect your tablet or another USB drive is connected to the computer an error can occur. In this case you will be informed about the error asking you to connect a tablet.

Now open MusaTab on your tablet and launch the synchronization. The synchronization is started from the tablet by clicking the circled arrow on top right of the main page. A popup window will appear (see the screenshot below).

Once this is done, click Go. The observations will be archived and MusaTab will use the latest accessions and descriptors list you uploaded to MusaTab and thus resetting the application. Next the following window will appear.

Retrieve observations data

The next window displays the observations data recorded through MusaTab.

The window displays the observations made on the plants per accession made with MusaTab. The list of descriptors that has been scored appears to the right.

You first need to select the accession, then the cycle, then the plant and lastly the observation. Once selected, you can click on the different descriptors to view the observation (or non-observation) scored in the field which is displayed in the MusaTab text box below the descriptors list. The content of MGIS is displayed in the MGIS text box.

If you want to import the value of one specific descriptor into MGIS: select the descriptor, be sure that you are on the right accession and click on the Import button.

They are no summaries of the different observations made on each plant of an accession. It is up to you to decide which observation will update MGIS records for this specific accession.

MGIS manages accession level information. That means that the data observed and collected for several plants of one accession are not saved in the database. Only the value of one descriptor of one plant of an accession is recorded in the database. Also MGIS does not keep records of the different values observed over time for an accession: the latest observation replaces the previous one.
