MGIS organization

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Login screen

Once launched, a temporary screen displaying rotating bananas appears,

followed by the following login screen:

To work with the collection of your data you will need an activation file. An activation file has an .mgis extension. This file is provided to you by the MGIS database manager. If you don’t have an activation file you can still use the application by entering GUEST in the login field and by keeping the Password field empty. Click on the Ok button to open MGIS.Net. With the GUEST account you will be able to visualize the data from the MGIS participating partners’ collections.


If you have received an activation file you should first click on the button with the padlock. An open file dialog box will appear. Select the folder where you have stored the activation file.

MGIS.Net allows you to insert and edit the data of the collection you are in charge of. The activation file grants you an administrative role ONLY on the data of your collection. You will be able to see the data from other partners’ collections of MGIS but you won’t be able to modify them.

Once the .mgis file is selected, click on the open button to activate MGIS.Net. The MGIS manager will have sent you the Login and password specific to your collection. Type them in the corresponding fields and click on the Ok button.

Main screen

Once you have clicked on the Ok button of the login window, you will see the following window:

The main window is composed of 5 tabs to navigate within a dataset or for performing specific tasks. By default the collection visible is the collection you are managing. To display the content of a tab you just have to click on the name of the tab.

Description of the main interface:

If you want to see other participating MGIS partners’ collections, check the see all collections tick box on the top of the window.

A click on the second tab named Accessions lists the accessions managed by your collection.

Once you click on a column header, it will sort the list in ascending order. A second click will sort the list in descending order. The focus will remain on the elements selected in the list. You will notice that the position of the scrolling bar on right side of the window will move accordingly.

If you move the mouse over a column header, a filter icon will appear.

If you click on this filter icon, you will see the complete list of the data linked to this column. The first element of the list is named custom. Click on custom to be able to perform your own filter; a popup window will appear to define the criteria.

Select the criteria and click on the Ok button to filter your records. The result for the above filter of the accession name is like ‘%pisang%’ and the results are the following:

You will notice that the filter applied to the grid is mentioned at the bottom of the grid.

It is still possible to remove or edit the filter. To remove the filter, click on the cross next to the filter on the left side of the grid. To edit the filter, click on the Edit Filter text positioned on the right side of the grid.

By clicking on the Edit filter the following window will popup:

All of the elements in the main window are clickable.

If you click on the And you can switch to Or operator

If you click on the white plus sign next to the And you can add an extra clause.

If you click on the [Accession name] text you will be able to select another column.

By clicking on the Is like text you will change the operator.

If you click on the %pisang% text you will be able to modify it.

If you click on the white cross you will delete the filter.

 The following screenshot shows what happened when I clicked on the white plus sign. I added a filter on the Taxon.


Once the Apply button is clicked the grid is filtered as shown below.

You will notice that the text of the filter on the left side of the grid has changed.

Grouping the records

It is possible to group the records. The best and only way to do it on the accession tab is to use the Taxon.  To do this click and hold the Taxon column header and move it to the band on top of the column header.


Once the header has been moved, the display of the grid changes to reflect the grouping by Taxon as you can see below. You will notice that the column Taxon has disappeared.

By clicking on the black arrow next to the Taxon group you will display the list of accessions pertaining to this taxon. In the example below we display the ABB accessions.

To come back to the original grid, just click and hold the Taxon button and drag it to the column header. You will notice that it is possible to organize the columns differently.

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